Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Morning Smoothie

This past August, I began to make changes in my "diet". I had always been under the impression that I was a healthy eater. Lots of organics and homemade options to substitute  the store bought items. But it's not until I really began to look into it that I realized just how much I was eating. Little bites of the kids' snacks, an extra cookie or bowl of cereal while watching evening t.v. and just how often that $5 pizza was ending up on the dinner table. I chose a 17 day "diet" because it was part diet and part cleanse. After the first couple of difficult days, I was on my way. Now almost 25 pounds lighter, I'm happy to have created new habits that I will be practicing for many years to come. I decided to add this smoothie to my blog after being questioned by people, I run into, about what I had done to lose the weight. It's encouraging, of course, to hear that others are noticing, but just as encouraging to get them on their way down the path of healthier living.

1 cup of water
2/3 cup of frozen berry blend
5 frozen strawberries
1 tsp of Stevia blend
1/2 cup of  1% or 2% cottage cheese 
1 scoop of Swanson's protein powder
hand full of fresh spinach (I buy the organic in the plastic container and store it directly in the freezer)

Here is the link for the protein powder I use

Here is a link for the Stevia that I use 

Some of my health tips:
~I stuck to protein and fruits in the morning and then protein and vegies from 2pm on
~ No eating after dinner. Decaf is a good way to have something in the evening
~ Buy the small squares of good dark chocolate and enjoy one in the afternoon
~ Slowly try to get to where you enjoy your coffee with just a bit of cream or even black. If you're hooked to a flavored creamer, this may be very difficult... but surely worth the reward.

Lunch and snack ideas:
~ Celery or Apples with natural PB
~ Cucumber slices and cheese stick
~ Vegetable and feta frittata
~ Good quality deli meat wrapped with cheese

The good news is that when you've lost the weight you wanted, then whole grains and other good carbs can be added back in small amounts.

Be encouraged. Any change towards a healthier body is a good thing. One meal at a time.


  1. how long did it take you to lose 25 lbs? i have been trying to gear myself up to do SOMETHING but just haven't made the final push... this sounds like something i might want to give a shot!

  2. Devon, I began in August and by December I had lost it. I didn't exercise at all either, other than tending to kids. It's tough the first day or two but then it's great!

  3. You are doing great Kell. It takes a lot of dedication and will to stick to an eating plan and I am proud of you for doing it. It is encouraging. My family has been changing a few bad habits and exercising more as well. My mom and I are exercising together a few days a week. I haven't lost any weight yet but I am feeling healthier. I am hoping I am converting fat into muscle. OUr new favorite pizza I think you would enjoy. Chicken Meditranian DeLite from Papa Murphys. It is a super thin crust with some sort of garlic oil for the sauce, seasoned chicken, sun dried tomatoes, feta cheese, mozzarella, spinach and I think it is greek seasonings lavished on top. Super yummy. And lots better for you than regular pizza. Feeds my pizza cravings!

  4. Missy, that sounds awesome!!!! It's good to have a way to get that pizza craving cured. Thank you for your encouragement! It means so much!

  5. Thought you might be encouraged to know that I am trying your breakfast smoothie! I love it so far. Although...I am substituting ground flax seed instead of the oat bran. I tried it with phsyllium husk too but it was gross. It got thick and didn't taste very good. But with the Flax seed I LOVE IT! Along with my exersizing 4 times a week I am on my way to a new me!

  6. That's so great! Even though you already looked so good after 3 babies! I will be smoothie ready for when you're here and maybe we can even go on some walks together. Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate the support you give my blog!

  7. I make a similar smoothie all the time! Thanks for sharing your journey and your diet tips. :)
